A specific function for circular averaging the wind direction is
necessary to summarise these data. This function will be loaded from
after loading the necessary
# load circular.averaging()
Import spore trap data and inspect.
spore_data <- read_csv(
col_types = list(field = col_factor(),
trap_coord = col_factor())
Summarise the spore data into the total number of spores collected in
each field at each time slice at each trap by combining the traps’
samples and sub-subsamples. We’ll keep the field
col to
join the weather data and the trap_coord
col here for
joining with another data frame that has the cardinal directions in it
for further analysis.
spore_data <-
spore_data %>%
group_by(field, trap_coord, distance_m, time_min) %>%
summarise(n_spore = sum(n_spore))
## # A tibble: 288 × 5
## # Groups: field, trap_coord, distance_m [96]
## field trap_coord distance_m time_min n_spore
## <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 N 100 90 2
## 2 1 N 100 180 4
## 3 1 N 100 270 3
## 4 1 N 200 90 2
## 5 1 N 200 180 3
## 6 1 N 200 270 14
## 7 1 N 300 90 1
## 8 1 N 300 180 0
## 9 1 N 300 270 0
## 10 1 N 400 90 1
## # ℹ 278 more rows
Import weather data, filter unused data, convert from kilometers per hour to meters per second and inspect the resulting data.
meteo_data <- read_csv(here("data/wind.csv"),
col_types = list(field = col_factor()))
# some sites go past 270 minutes, remove those data.
meteo_data <-
meteo_data %>%
filter(minute_lap <= 270) %>%
mutate(wind_speed = wind_speed * 0.2777778)
## # A tibble: 330 × 6
## field minute_lap rel_hum temp wind_speed wind_dir
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1 0 65 16 1.72 E
## 2 1 5 65 16 2.50 E
## 3 1 10 65 16 1.58 E
## 4 1 15 65 16.2 1.72 E
## 5 1 20 65 16.2 1.64 E
## 6 1 25 65 16.2 1.58 E
## 7 1 30 65 19.5 1.64 E
## 8 1 35 65 19.5 0.611 E
## 9 1 40 65 19.5 1.17 E
## 10 1 45 65 19.7 0.333 NE
## # ℹ 320 more rows
We need to convert cardinal directions to degrees for plotting and modeling purposes (adapted from Adam’s code for chickpea ascochyta blight spore dispersal).
coord_deg <- tibble(
dir = c(
degrees = seq(0, 337.5 , by = 22.5),
Create a spore_data
object that has spore and trap
degrees (location as a cardinal direction).
spore_data <-
spore_data %>%
left_join(coord_deg, by = c("trap_coord" = "dir")) %>%
rename(trap_degrees = degrees)
Create a meteo_data
object that has the wind direction
in degrees.
meteo_data <-
meteo_data %>%
left_join(coord_deg, by = c("wind_dir" = "dir")) %>%
rename(wind_degrees = degrees)
The weather data are summarised from 0 to 90, 0 to 180 and 0 to 270 minutes to align with the spore trapping data.
This is where the circular.averaging()
is needed since
we cannot simply take the mean
value of wind direction in
degrees here.
m <-
meteo_data %>%
mutate(time_slice =
minute_lap <= 90 ~ 90,
minute_lap > 90 & minute_lap <= 180 ~ 180,
TRUE ~ 270
## # A tibble: 330 × 8
## field minute_lap rel_hum temp wind_speed wind_dir wind_degrees time_slice
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 0 65 16 1.72 E 90 90
## 2 1 5 65 16 2.50 E 90 90
## 3 1 10 65 16 1.58 E 90 90
## 4 1 15 65 16.2 1.72 E 90 90
## 5 1 20 65 16.2 1.64 E 90 90
## 6 1 25 65 16.2 1.58 E 90 90
## 7 1 30 65 19.5 1.64 E 90 90
## 8 1 35 65 19.5 0.611 E 90 90
## 9 1 40 65 19.5 1.17 E 90 90
## 10 1 45 65 19.7 0.333 NE 45 90
## # ℹ 320 more rows
rh_90 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))
rh_180 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 90 | time_slice == 180) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))
rh_270 <-
m %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))
rh <-
"90" = rh_90,
"180" = rh_180,
"270" = rh_270
), .id = "time_slice")
temp_90 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(temp = mean(temp))
temp_180 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 90 | time_slice == 180) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(temp = mean(temp))
temp_270 <-
m %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(temp = mean(temp))
temp <-
"90" = temp_90,
"180" = temp_180,
"270" = temp_270
), .id = "time_slice")
wind_speed_90 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))
wind_speed_180 <-
m %>%
filter(time_slice == 0 | time_slice == 180) %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))
wind_speed_270 <-
m %>%
group_by(field) %>%
summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))
wind_speed <-
"90" = wind_speed_90,
"180" = wind_speed_180,
"270" = wind_speed_270
.id = "time_slice")
meteo_data <- m %>%
mutate(time_slice = 270) %>%
rbind(mutate(filter(., minute_lap <= 180), time_slice = 180)) %>%
rbind(mutate(filter(., minute_lap <= 90), time_slice = 90)) %>%
group_by(field, time_slice) %>%
rh = mean(rel_hum),
temp = mean(temp),
wind_speed = mean(wind_speed),
wind_degrees = circular.averaging(wind_degrees)
Use left_join
to merge the raw spore data,
and weather data, meteo_data
and time_slice
Then add columns for the x and y locations on a Cartesian grid of the
mod_dat <- left_join(meteo_data,
by = c("field" = "field",
"time_slice" = "time_min")) %>%
mutate(degree_dif = trap_degrees - wind_degrees) %>%
mutate(time_slice = as.integer(time_slice))
# note that degrees need to be converted to radians for theta
xy <- data.frame(pol2cart(
theta = mod_dat$trap_degrees * 0.01745329,
r = mod_dat$distance_m
mod_dat <- bind_cols(mod_dat, xy)
coords_df <- mod_dat %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(trap_degrees, distance_m, x, y) %>%
mutate_at(vars(x, y), list(~ round(., 1))) %>%
coords_df %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = y, y = x) +
geom_point() +
label = paste0(trap_degrees, ",", distance_m),
vjust = 1
)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
Save data object for fitting models.
save(mod_dat, file = here("data/mod_dat.Rdata"))
save(m, file = here("data/meteo_data.Rdata"))