Load libraries and function

A specific function for circular averaging the wind direction is necessary to summarise these data. This function will be loaded from ./R/circular_averaging.R after loading the necessary libraries.


# load circular.averaging()

Import compiled dataset from local files.

Spore count data

Import spore trap data and inspect.

spore_data <- read_csv(
  col_types = list(field = col_factor(),
                   trap_coord = col_factor())

Summarise the spore data into the total number of spores collected in each field at each time slice at each trap by combining the traps’ samples and sub-subsamples. We’ll keep the field col to join the weather data and the trap_coord col here for joining with another data frame that has the cardinal directions in it for further analysis.

spore_data <-
  spore_data %>%
  group_by(field, trap_coord, distance_m, time_min) %>%
  summarise(n_spore = sum(n_spore))

## # A tibble: 288 × 5
## # Groups:   field, trap_coord, distance_m [96]
##    field trap_coord distance_m time_min n_spore
##    <fct> <fct>           <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 1     N                 100       90       2
##  2 1     N                 100      180       4
##  3 1     N                 100      270       3
##  4 1     N                 200       90       2
##  5 1     N                 200      180       3
##  6 1     N                 200      270      14
##  7 1     N                 300       90       1
##  8 1     N                 300      180       0
##  9 1     N                 300      270       0
## 10 1     N                 400       90       1
## # ℹ 278 more rows

Weather data

Import weather data, filter unused data, convert from kilometers per hour to meters per second and inspect the resulting data.

meteo_data <- read_csv(here("data/wind.csv"),
                       col_types = list(field = col_factor()))

# some sites go past 270 minutes, remove those data.
meteo_data <-
  meteo_data %>%
  filter(minute_lap <= 270) %>%
  mutate(wind_speed = wind_speed * 0.2777778)

## # A tibble: 330 × 6
##    field minute_lap rel_hum  temp wind_speed wind_dir
##    <fct>      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>   
##  1 1              0      65  16        1.72  E       
##  2 1              5      65  16        2.50  E       
##  3 1             10      65  16        1.58  E       
##  4 1             15      65  16.2      1.72  E       
##  5 1             20      65  16.2      1.64  E       
##  6 1             25      65  16.2      1.58  E       
##  7 1             30      65  19.5      1.64  E       
##  8 1             35      65  19.5      0.611 E       
##  9 1             40      65  19.5      1.17  E       
## 10 1             45      65  19.7      0.333 NE      
## # ℹ 320 more rows

Data prep for analysis

Add cardinal directions

We need to convert cardinal directions to degrees for plotting and modeling purposes (adapted from Adam’s code for chickpea ascochyta blight spore dispersal).

coord_deg <- tibble(
  dir = c(
  degrees = seq(0, 337.5 , by = 22.5),

Create a spore_data object that has spore and trap degrees (location as a cardinal direction).

spore_data <-
  spore_data %>%
  left_join(coord_deg, by = c("trap_coord" = "dir")) %>%
  rename(trap_degrees = degrees)

Create a meteo_data object that has the wind direction in degrees.

meteo_data <-
  meteo_data %>%
  left_join(coord_deg, by = c("wind_dir" = "dir")) %>%
  rename(wind_degrees = degrees)

Summarise the weather data into 90, 180 and 270 minute interval bins

The weather data are summarised from 0 to 90, 0 to 180 and 0 to 270 minutes to align with the spore trapping data.

This is where the circular.averaging() is needed since we cannot simply take the mean value of wind direction in degrees here.

m <-
  meteo_data %>%
  mutate(time_slice =
             minute_lap <= 90 ~ 90,
             minute_lap > 90 & minute_lap <= 180 ~ 180,
             TRUE ~ 270

## # A tibble: 330 × 8
##    field minute_lap rel_hum  temp wind_speed wind_dir wind_degrees time_slice
##    <fct>      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 1              0      65  16        1.72  E                  90         90
##  2 1              5      65  16        2.50  E                  90         90
##  3 1             10      65  16        1.58  E                  90         90
##  4 1             15      65  16.2      1.72  E                  90         90
##  5 1             20      65  16.2      1.64  E                  90         90
##  6 1             25      65  16.2      1.58  E                  90         90
##  7 1             30      65  19.5      1.64  E                  90         90
##  8 1             35      65  19.5      0.611 E                  90         90
##  9 1             40      65  19.5      1.17  E                  90         90
## 10 1             45      65  19.7      0.333 NE                 45         90
## # ℹ 320 more rows
rh_90 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))

rh_180 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 90 | time_slice == 180) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))

rh_270 <-
  m %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(rh = mean(rel_hum))

rh <-
    "90" = rh_90,
    "180" = rh_180,
    "270" = rh_270
  ), .id = "time_slice")
temp_90 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(temp = mean(temp))

temp_180 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 90 | time_slice == 180) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(temp = mean(temp))

temp_270 <-
  m %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(temp = mean(temp))

temp <-
    "90" = temp_90,
    "180" = temp_180,
    "270" = temp_270
  ), .id = "time_slice")
wind_speed_90 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 90) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))

wind_speed_180 <-
  m %>%
  filter(time_slice == 0 | time_slice == 180) %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))

wind_speed_270 <-
  m %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(wind_speed = mean(wind_speed))

wind_speed <-
    "90" = wind_speed_90,
    "180" = wind_speed_180,
    "270" = wind_speed_270
  .id = "time_slice")
meteo_data <- m %>%
  mutate(time_slice = 270) %>%
  rbind(mutate(filter(., minute_lap <= 180), time_slice = 180)) %>%
  rbind(mutate(filter(., minute_lap <= 90), time_slice = 90)) %>%
  group_by(field, time_slice) %>%
    rh = mean(rel_hum),
    temp = mean(temp),
    wind_speed = mean(wind_speed),
    wind_degrees = circular.averaging(wind_degrees)

Merge the spore data with the weather data

Use left_join to merge the raw spore data, spore_raw and weather data, meteo_data on field and time_slice/time_min. Then add columns for the x and y locations on a Cartesian grid of the traps.

mod_dat <- left_join(meteo_data,
                     by = c("field" = "field",
                            "time_slice" = "time_min")) %>%
  mutate(degree_dif = trap_degrees - wind_degrees) %>%
  mutate(time_slice = as.integer(time_slice))

Create Cartesian coords

# note that degrees need to be converted to radians for theta
xy <- data.frame(pol2cart(
  theta = mod_dat$trap_degrees * 0.01745329,
  r = mod_dat$distance_m

mod_dat <- bind_cols(mod_dat, xy)
coords_df <- mod_dat %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  distinct(trap_degrees, distance_m, x, y) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(x, y), list(~ round(., 1))) %>%

coords_df %>%
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = y, y = x) +
  geom_point() +
    label = paste0(trap_degrees, ",", distance_m),
    vjust = 1
  )) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +

Save data object for fitting models.

save(mod_dat, file = here("data/mod_dat.Rdata"))

save(m, file = here("data/meteo_data.Rdata"))