Load libraries


Spore proportion chi-squared analysis

Check if the spore type, number of nuclei, affects the dispersal.

Using the default chisq.test() will result in a warning due to small expected values meaning that approximations of p may not be correct. Warning message: In chisq.test(.) : Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect Therefore, we will use Monte Carlo simulation to simulate p values.

(Manuscript’s section Results/3.2)

x <- read_csv(here("data/spore_type.csv"),
              show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
  group_by(meter, spore_nuclei) %>%
  summarise(n = sum(count), .groups = 'drop') %>%
  spread(spore_nuclei, n) %>%
  column_to_rownames('meter') %>%
  chisq.test(simulate.p.value = TRUE)

The major spore type spread expected was the individual spore having a smaller spore size (18.8 µm); however, no statistical differences were recorded in spore type proportion at 100 m to 400 m downwind (P = 0.195902, X-squared = 20.6561456).

Spore dispersal GAM Model

(Manuscript’s section Results/3.3)

Load data


sdp_dat <- read_csv(
  show_col_types = FALSE,
  col_types = list(field = col_factor())
) %>%
  arrange(field) %>%
  select(field, inc, SDP, DSI) %>%
  mutate(field = as.factor(field))

# summarise SDP index by field and create a binomial variable w/ cutoff @ 5 ----

ps_inc <-
  sdp_dat %>%
  group_by(field) %>%
  summarise(SDP = mean(SDP))

mod_dat <- left_join(mod_dat, ps_inc, by = c("field"))

Inspect the mod_dat object

mod_dat %>% # str
  distinct(field, trap_coord, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  ) %>%
  print(n = Inf)
## # A tibble: 24 × 9
## # Groups:   field [6]
##    field trap_coord trap_degrees degree_dif wind_degrees wind_speed distance_m
##    <fct> <chr>             <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 1     N                     0    -76.2          76.2        1.49        100
##  2 1     E                    90     13.8          76.2        1.49        100
##  3 1     W                   270    194.           76.2        1.49        100
##  4 1     S                   180    104.           76.2        1.49        100
##  5 2     N                     0   -201.          201.         7.27        100
##  6 2     E                    90   -111.          201.         7.27        100
##  7 2     W                   270     68.7         201.         7.27        100
##  8 2     S                   180    -21.3         201.         7.27        100
##  9 3     NE                   45    -90.3         135.         2.93        100
## 10 3     SE                  135     -0.313       135.         2.93        100
## 11 3     NW                  315    180.          135.         2.93        100
## 12 3     SW                  225     89.7         135.         2.93        100
## 13 4     N                     0    -35.9          35.9        3.90        100
## 14 4     E                    90     54.1          35.9        3.90        100
## 15 4     W                   270    234.           35.9        3.90        100
## 16 4     S                   180    144.           35.9        3.90        100
## 17 5     NE                   45     15.1          29.9        3.92        100
## 18 5     SE                  135    105.           29.9        3.92        100
## 19 5     NW                  315    285.           29.9        3.92        100
## 20 5     SW                  225    195.           29.9        3.92        100
## 21 6     N                     0     -2.16          2.16       7.57        100
## 22 6     E                    90     87.8           2.16       7.57        100
## 23 6     W                   270    268.            2.16       7.57        100
## 24 6     S                   180    178.            2.16       7.57        100
## # ℹ 2 more variables: SDP <dbl>, n_spore <dbl>

Based on the use of AIC to evaluate model fit to the data, the following GAM best fit the data with the smoothed time slice variables, s(time_slice); a smoothed term for the the distance of the traps from the field and wind speed, s(distance_m, wind_speed); a smoothed term for the severely damaged pods, s(SDP) and the field and traps themselves as a smoothed term random effect, s(field, xy) using a negative binomial family, nb().

# create a factor for the trap locations in Cartesian coords to be used as a random effect
mod_dat$xy <- as.factor(paste(mod_dat$x, mod_dat$y))

m1 <- gam(
  n_spore ~ s(time_slice, k = 3) +
    s(distance_m, wind_speed, k = 50) +
    s(SDP, k = 6) +
    s(field, xy, bs = "re"),
  data = mod_dat,
  select = TRUE,
  method = "REML",
  family = nb()

Inspect Model m1

## Family: Negative Binomial(2.483) 
## Link function: log 
## Formula:
## n_spore ~ s(time_slice, k = 3) + s(distance_m, wind_speed, k = 50) + 
##     s(SDP, k = 6) + s(field, xy, bs = "re")
## Parametric coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value            Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   2.1871     0.1841   11.88 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##                              edf Ref.df  Chi.sq             p-value    
## s(time_slice)             0.9730      2   37.28 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## s(distance_m,wind_speed)  1.4979     48 1221.93              0.0171 *  
## s(SDP)                    0.7341      5  620.54              0.0576 .  
## s(field,xy)              86.1747     95 1204.66 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) =  0.739   Deviance explained = 89.2%
## -REML = 1073.2  Scale est. = 1         n = 288

Check model m1


## Method: REML   Optimizer: outer newton
## full convergence after 11 iterations.
## Gradient range [-0.0002346391,0.0002243909]
## (score 1073.208 & scale 1).
## Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [0.000005514409,53.4399].
## Model rank =  249 / 249 
## Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
## indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.
##                               k'     edf k-index p-value
## s(time_slice)              2.000   0.973    0.96    0.50
## s(distance_m,wind_speed)  49.000   1.498    1.01    0.92
## s(SDP)                     5.000   0.734    0.93    0.35
## s(field,xy)              192.000  86.175      NA      NA
# check residuals using DHARMa
simulateResiduals(m1, plot = TRUE)

## Object of Class DHARMa with simulated residuals based on 250 simulations with refit = FALSE . See ?DHARMa::simulateResiduals for help. 
## Scaled residual values: 0.5966348 0.326032 0.8509289 0.7496079 0.5238095 0.1691754 0.6283619 0.8696426 0.4010286 0.0693676 0.9301913 0.7374863 0.644 0.8741518 0.1604343 0.01793573 0.6495237 0.3167456 0.4143331 0.5420092 ...

## Family: Negative Binomial(2.483) 
## Link function: log 
## Formula:
## n_spore ~ s(time_slice, k = 3) + s(distance_m, wind_speed, k = 50) + 
##     s(SDP, k = 6) + s(field, xy, bs = "re")
## Parametric coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value            Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   2.1871     0.1841   11.88 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##                              edf Ref.df  Chi.sq             p-value    
## s(time_slice)             0.9730      2   37.28 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## s(distance_m,wind_speed)  1.4979     48 1221.93              0.0171 *  
## s(SDP)                    0.7341      5  620.54              0.0576 .  
## s(field,xy)              86.1747     95 1204.66 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) =  0.739   Deviance explained = 89.2%
## -REML = 1073.2  Scale est. = 1         n = 288
  theta = 50,
  view = c("time_slice", "SDP"),
  ticktype = "detailed",
  main = "Time slice (minutes) and severely damaged pods (SDP)"

  view = c("distance_m", "wind_speed"),
  theta = 50,
  ticktype = "detailed",
  main = "Trap distance from field (m) and wind speed (m/s)"

a <- draw(smooth_estimates(m1, smooths(m1)[[1]]))
b <- draw(smooth_estimates(m1, smooths(m1)[[3]]))
c <- draw(smooth_estimates(m1, smooths(m1)[[2]])) + coord_cartesian()

gam_plot <- a + b
gam_plot <- gam_plot / c
gam_plot <- gam_plot + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

The model fully converged after 11 iterations. All of the predictive factors included were significant at P > 0.1 and the model had an adjusted R2 value of 0.726 and explains 89.2% of the null deviance.

The gam.check() residuals show a pattern in the Residuals vs. linear predicted values, but this is to be expected with the zero values and negative binomial family, nb(), that was used to fit the model. The QQ-plot appears to be reasonable as does the histogram of residuals, and Response vs Fitted Values. To further check the model’s fitness, there is a slight pattern in the DHARMa residuals, but nothing to worry about too much in a small data set like this while this QQ-plot and the associated tests all pass.

In all, this model looks to explain the spore dispersal data well enough for this data set.

Check for autocorrelation

Because the data represent spatially and temporally correlated data, it’s best to check for any autocorrelation in the residuals.



This looks OK. There is no major pattern discernible in the ACF or PACF plots that show cause for concern.

Predict spore dispersal and visualise spore dispersal predictions

dist <- seq(100, 400, by = 100)

newd <- expand_grid(
  wind_speed = 1:10,
  SDP = seq(from = 0.5, to = 10, by = 0.5),
  time_slice = unique(mod_dat$time_slice),
  distance_m = unique(mod_dat$distance_m),
  xy = unique(mod_dat$xy),
  field = 1

newd$pred_n_spore <-
    object = m1,
    type = "response",
    exclude = c("field", "xy")

Visualize the spore dispersal predictions for traps at 100 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m around the harvest field for sampling times at 90, 180 and 270 minutes after harvest started.

predictions <-
  newd %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(distance_m), y = pred_n_spore)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x = "Distance from harvesting field (m)",
       y = "Predicted Spores (n)")


  file = "plots_manuscript/spore_prediction.png",
  w = 5,
  h = 2,
  scale = 1.2